Linux Command Line Tools

Table of Contents


a2ps - ASCII to PostScript

To override the type of file use

$ a2ps -Eplain somefile.ext

Valid type options

Display all the valid file types for pretty-printing

$ a2ps --list*lang | less

Language Sources

Code Description
vba Visual Basic
sql SQL Sources
plain Plain Text - No hilighting

pcal - Printing Calendars

Printing Monthly Calendars

Use : pcal MM YY NMONTHS to generate a PostScript calendar file.


Display a calendar for July and August 2007

$ pcal 07 07 2 | gv -


Print a calendar for July and August 2007

$ pcal 07 07 2 | lpr

Printing full page letter without small calendars

pcal -S -X-35 -Y32 -x 1.09 -y 1.10 -t Times-Roman/20| lpr

Printing Small calendars on 3x5" cardstock

pcal -Y-10 -x 0.45 -y 0.35 | lpr

Author: Bernt Hansen